Merkur Club of America
The Merkur Club of America was founded by, and for, Merkur owners as a haven for resources, guidance, and comaraderie with other Merkur owners.
Become a member or renew today!
As an MCA member, you will:
- Be a part of the largest assembly of Merkur owners in North America
- Have access to the Merkur Club Forum, where you'll find an endless supply of Merkur related information and have an opportunity to pass along your personal experiences with Merkur
- Receive a subscription to the MCA Newsletter
- Receive a goody bag at our annual gathering at the Ford Nationals in Carlisle, PA
- Compete for MCA awards at the Carlisle event
The greatest benefit of all is the friendship and support you will receive from fellow members. This club is not just about the cars! We believe that your membership in the MCA will increase your enjoyment and desire to preserve these great automobiles.
Become a member or renew today!
Joining is easy with PayPal.